
Bank Statement Converter

Convert bank statements from PDF to Excel

Bank Statement Converter

Bank Statement Converter performs one single task, which is to convert bank statements from PDF to Excel or CSV format, supporting over 1000 banks worldwide.

The product was built and developed since 2021 by Angus Cheng, a software engineer from Hong Kong.

Revenue model

Bank Statement Converter generates revenue through subscription fees with various packages depending on the customer's usage needs. The lowest price starts from $15 for 400 pages of bank statements per month.

With this model, the product brings in a revenue of $7,000/month, according to the author's sharing.

Monthly revenue

Marketing strategy

Bank Statement Converter was initially promoted through Google Ads, then applied content marketing by writing blogs and sharing on social networks such as Twitter, Hacker News, and Indie Hackers.

Another important factor is Angus's dedication and communication with customers, helping the product gain trust from many users and word-of-mouth referrals to friends and colleagues.

Other information

Bank Statement Converter was born out of Angus's personal need when he wanted to analyze his monthly expenses but bank statements were only provided in PDF format.

In the first 5 months, to promote the product, Angus spent around $4,500 on Google Ads.
