Online store specializing in spreadsheet templates

SimplyOrganizedPro is an online store operating on the e-commerce platform Etsy, specializing in providing various spreadsheet templates for Excel, Google Sheets, helping users easily manage work, business, finance, and life efficiently.
The store was launched in 2022 by HJ, an American designer.
Revenue model
SimplyOrganizedPro generates revenue by selling spreadsheet templates through the Etsy platform. The store's products can be consumed by both individual and business customers, with prices ranging from $1 - $4 per product.
According to an analysis, the estimated total revenue that the store has earned for about 35,000 template products sold is $160K, with an average of 2,300 orders per month.
Marketing strategy
SimplyOrganizedPro is promoted only through the Etsy platform, the store attracts buyers thanks to the quality of products and good customer support services, with extremely affordable prices.
The store has also achieved the Star Seller title thanks to good customer support services, and is continuously highly rated by buyers, helping to increase credibility and attract more customers.